Update 1 to Response Plan

Update to Response Plan of St. Patrick’s National School 26/08/20

In line with recent updates from the HSE, we have updated our Response Plan as follows:

When it’s okay to send your child to school or childcare

It’s usually okay to send your child to school or childcare if they:

• only have nasal symptoms, such as a runny nose or a sneeze

• do not have a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more (as long as their temperature has not been lowered by taking any form of paracetamol or ibuprofen)

• do not have a cough

• have not been in close contact with anyone who has coronavirus

• do not live with anyone who is unwell and may have coronavirus

• have been told by a GP that their illness is caused by something else, that is not coronavirus.

Your GP will tell you when they can return to school or childcare

• have got a negative (‘not detected’) coronavirus test result and have not had symptoms for 48 hours