TY or Work Experience Policy

Work Experience/TY Placement Policy for Students & Adults

This policy was devised by the Principal & staff during Croke Park Hours in February 2018.

The Board of Management and Staff are willing to provide opportunities of work experience and TY placement for students from the wider school community on a case by case basis and subject to the authorization by the school Principal.

St. Patrick’s N.S., reserves the right to refuse or defer work experience/placement.

Students under 16 years of age will not be granted work experience in our school.

The following are the procedures under which this work experience can take place:

1. Applications for work experience/TY placement should be made in writing as soon as possible in the school year stating

(i) a brief summary of the applicant’s educational record and interest in the placement

(ii) the dates sought for experience/placement

(iii) verification that the work experience /placement is supported by and indemnified by the post-primary school or college in which the student is attending

(iv) confirmation that St. Patrick’s N.S. vetting obligations ( as per DES circular 31/2016) will be complied with in advance of commencing work placement.

2. Granting of Work Experience/Placement opportunities will be given on a priority basis to former pupils of the school and to students who have an association with the school ( ie relatives of staff members, resident in the local community) .

The number of students accepted on placement may vary depending on the needs of the student and the capacity of the school to accommodate the student at a specific time. However, normally only 1 student will be accepted for any given period of work experience.

3. Students must be fully insured by their respective college or school for all aspects of their work experience placement

4. Students must be able to provide current NVB vetting documentation which should be processed in advance of placement start date through the student’s post-primary school or the relevant college.

Role of St. Patrick’s N.S.,in supporting students on experience/placement:

School staff will endeavour to ensure that the time spent in the school by the student, is both a beneficial and a positive learning experience and that students have an opportunity to work in a variety of settings and develop a variety of skills.

Pupils and staff will treat students on work experience programmes with respect and courtesy at all times.

All students will have a staff member to mentor and co-ordinate their placement (class teacher/secretary/other staff member as appropriate).

Students will not be left in sole charge of pupils at any time and will work in a non-teaching capacity under the supervision of a teacher/staff member.

Expectations from the Student on Work Placement/Experience

Students must at all times be respectful of all members of school staff, BOM, parents and pupils

Students must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.

Students should dress appropriately whilst on work experience/placement.

Students must be punctual and attend as agreed.

All matters in relation to school business, pupils, staff, parents etc must be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Students are expected to co-operate with the general rules, procedures and organizational policies of the school.

Students must keep their mobile phone turned off whilst on work experience and out of visibility.

It is strictly forbidden for students to take photographs of pupils or school staff on any device. Permission to take photos of school displays etc must be sought from the Principal/Deputy Principal by the student.

Students must be willing to follow the instruction/guidance of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Secretary or any other staff member designated to supervise their duties.

School/College supervisors of work experience students, who visit the school are expected to be positive and respectful towards school staff and to the placement student thereby providing a positive learning environment.

Students will be asked to sign this policy before commencing their placement

I, ____________ , agree to abide by the above policy during my work experience in St. Patrick’s N.S.

