Parents as Partners


The Board of Management and staff genuinely value the wonderful relationship we share with the parents/guardians of the children in our school. We strive to ensure that the core values of respect, empathy and trust underpinning the relationship are maintained and nurtured. The Board of Management and staff fully endorse the following:

Parents are the child’s primary educators, and the life of the home is the most potent factor in his or her development during the primary school years. There is a continuing process through which the child’s formal learning experience in school interacts with the less formal developmental experience of the home and the family.

It is widely recognised that significant educational, social and behavioural benefits accrue to the child as a result of effective partnership between

parents and teachers. Close co-operation between the home and the school

is essential, therefore, if children are to receive the maximum benefit from the curriculum.

Regular consultation with parents helps teachers to come to a deeper appreciation of children’s needs and so to plan more effective learning experiences. It also provides the means by which teachers keep parents fully informed about children’s progress. Good communication between parents and schools will help build a shared understanding of the principles of the curriculum, the learning goals of the school, and the approaches and methodologies it adopts. It will also facilitate easier transition from home to school and later from primary to second-level education.

In a more general context, the involvement of parents in the organisational planning of the curriculum and their active participation in the life of the school enhances co-operation and interaction between home and school.Parents also have a special contribution to make in creating and fostering

a positive school spirit in which all members of the school community can feel a sense of belonging and have an interest in the school’s development.

To encourage this spirit, schools need to reach out to help some parents overcome any inhibiting attitudes they may have. The work of parents’

groups can also provide additional support in helping them to become fully involved in their children’s progress.( statement in the Primary Curriculum)

Relationship to Characteristic Spirit of the School:

The mission of this school is to enable every child to develop spiritually, morally, intellectually, aesthetically and physically to his/her full potential in a friendly, safe, and comfortable environment. This work can best be done where there is a high level of openness and co-operation between staff, parents and pupils.


By introducing this policy the school community hopes

Ø To build a school community committed to supporting all its pupils

Ø To establish procedures for the sharing of information in relation to pupil progress and attainment

Ø To enrich and extend the educational opportunities provided for pupils by accessing the skills and talents of parents

Guidelines / Ways to become involved

Parents are invited to become involved in the school in many ways and at many levels, for example:

Ø Serving on school bodies (Board of Management)

Ø Policy development

Ø In the school/classroom during particular activities e.g.  Developing the school garden, trips etc

Board of Management

Our BOM is constituted of eight members, two of whom are Parent Nominees. These are elected following the Procedures and Guideline s for Boards of Management.

Policy Consultation

Parents are invited to take part in the review of policies in the school. Please note that parental consultation regarding policies where appropriate is conducted through various measures. A hard copy of all policies is available for perusal in school. Parents nominees on the BOM are involved in discussions around policy formation and implementation.

Curriculum Plans

Parents are advised at formal Parent/Teacher meetings and informal meetings throughout the school year of ways in which they can support their child’s learning. Hints, tips and advice are provided to parents as to how best they can support their child’s learning.

Parents of children attending the SET are invited to meet the teacher formally and informally to consult in the devising of Individual Education Profiles and Learning Profiles (IEPs/IPLPs)

Homework Journals

These provide an effective means of daily communication between parent and teacher from Junior Infants to 6th class.

Parent/teacher Meetings Parent/teacher meetings are held in November each year. The meetings are carefully timetabled so that all parents have an opportunity to speak with their child’s teacher for approximately ten minutes. If there are significant issues that require more time, a parent/guardian or teacher may request that another meeting is set up to discuss the issue. The items discussed at a parent/teacher meeting include:

1. Achievement in curricular areas

2. Results of standardized tests

3. Homework

4. Social development and ability to mix with peers

5. Behaviour and attitude to learning

6. Attendance and punctuality

Parent/teacher meetings take place outside of school hours and parents/guardians are given at least one week’s notice of the meetings. Every reasonable effort will be made by the teaching staff to arrange the meetings at times that are suitable to both parent/guardian and teacher. Parents/guardians of children attending learning support and/or resource teachers will be given an opportunity to meet this teacher. This meeting may coincide with the Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Every effort will be made by school personnel to ensure that this meeting occurs on the same day as the meeting with the class teacher.

End of Year Report Cards

Parents/Guardians receive an End of Year Report Card in June every year. This Report Card outlines each pupil’s progress for the year including his or her performance on Standardised Tests (1st to 6th). An NCCA explanatory letter is also included with the Report Card to explain test scores.

Text a Parent and Email

The school has established a database of mobile phone numbers for parents on the Aladdin website. This facilitates the sending of text messages to all parents or specific groups of parents.

School Events

The school hosts many events during the year to encourage the participation of parents/guardians/ in school life. Examples of these include Sports Day, Book Fair, Christmas Nativity/ Carols. Parents are also encouraged to participate in the preparation of the children for the Sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.

Occasionally the school will organise guest speakers on matters of relevance e.g. RSE.

Liaising with other agencies

Parents are made aware of the role of the Education Welfare Officer in communicating with parents whose children have missed more than 20 school days.

Success Criteria:

Ø Benefit to Pupil Learning

Ø Parental Involvement is increased in school activities

Ø Feedback from parents/staff

Ratification & Communication

The BoM officially ratified the policy on 12/2/14