Gentle Reminder re-Covid procedures

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your support as we implement our procedures to keep us all safe during these unprecedented times.

Please be reminded of the following :

“No person (child, teacher or parent) should attend the school if unwell or any members of their household are unwell with symptoms consistent with COVID-19”

If one member of a household is absent, parents are requested to inform the school of the nature of the illness on the first day of the illness. Any child whose sibling has symptoms of Covid 19 should not attend school. If in doubt , please consult with your GP prior to sending your child to school.

All diarrhoea symptoms need to have been resolved for 48 hours prior to return to school.

It is known that young children often have a persistent cold.   A child with a blocked or runny nose, but no fever can attend school but if they require paracetamol or ibuprofen, they must stay at home for 48 hours and parents or guardians should contact the GP to assess whether a test is required.

Please keep an eye on our website for further updates.